Enlisted Leader Research Group
To support the research program, ARI has partnered with Topsarge Business Solutions (TBS) in July 2019 to form The Enlisted Leader Research Group. This innovative team –located at ARI’s Fort Hood Research Unit –consists of ARI research scientists and retired senior NCOs working in partnership to conduct in-depth, long-term research in support of junior NCO professional development.
• Work directly with junior NCOs to identify the challenges they currently face while leading, training and taking care of Soldiers;
• Collaborate with NCOs, stakeholders, senior leaders, and other MDO experts to identify the top challenges for 2028 and beyond;
• Develop and field test training, training tools, and job aids with NCOs in operational units using rigorous, gold-standard training evaluation standards; and
• Work hand-in-hand with NCOs and stakeholders to ensure that tools are immediately useful to the force.